At the end of May 2022, 11 works were inaugurated as part of the project “Technical assistance to the Koboko Municipality for the implementation of the action plan ‘CRRF: Inclusive Urban Development and Mobility'”. The two-day event was attended by several local leaders, ACAV Director Pierluigi Floretta, as well as EU representatives Claudia Marinaro and Nadia Canata and Ministers of the Ugandan government.

During the first year of the project, the following were built: a Trauma Counselling and Treatment Centre, 4 classroom blocks at the Islamic primary school in Gbukutu, 4 classroom blocks at the primary school in Birijaku, along with 5 latrines, in addition to 2 units with 5 latrines, a toilet for girls and a urinal for boys; 6 classroom blocks were renovated at the primary school in Teremunga, a public toilet was created at the fish market and the emergency room at the health centre in Koboko. In addition, the following were inaugurated on 26 May: the 5-classroom block at the primary school in Nyarilo, the information and communication technology centre at the secondary school in Nyangilia and houses for the staff of the health centre III in Lasanga.

During the inauguration, EU Delegate Nadia Canata thanked the Koboko district and the government of Uganda for their support of the project. “What the EU is providing may not be enough to solve all our problems, but, if everyone makes a contribution, the parties can come together in something bigger for the wellbeing of people including refugees.”

All the projects implemented aim to improve the living standards of the refugees and the local community in order to promote peaceful coexistence.

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